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To ensure the safety of all patrons and staff, venue operations and related activities will occur under strict guidelines as directed by the relevant governing bodies, Government and Safe Work Australia. WynActive, Licensees and Hire groups are responsible for meeting key requirements.


Licensee and Hirer Information and Questionnaire

To ensure the safety of all patrons and staff, venue operations and related activities will occur under strict guidelines as directed by the relevant governing bodies, Government and Safe Work Australia. WynActive, Licensees and Hire groups are responsible for meeting key requirements. The below information outlines these requirements:

Requirements of WynActive in line with current government and Safe Work Australia advice and direction.

  • Ensure staff and patrons wear an appropriate face covering unless a valid exception applies.
  • Provide and maintain an environment that is without risk to health and safety.
  • Ensure that we develop, implement, monitor and continually improve risk management framework in line with AS/NZS ISO 31000:2018 and Guidelines of Safe Pool Operations – Aquatic Risk Management.
  • Ensure facilities are cleaned in line with Safe Work Australia guidelines.
  • Ensure Physical/ Social Distancing requirements are met by all workers and patrons.
  • Restrict access to facilities in line with government restrictions.
  • Encourage the use of the CovidSafe App or keep records of patrons attending the facilities.
  • Sneeze screens, floor markings, information signage, motion-activated hand sanitizer stations and designated entries and exits installed.
  • Ensure all terms and conditions of hire and conditions of entry are made clear prior to entry.
  • Staff are trained and inducted in additional measures related to COVID-19 and equipped with the appropriate Personal Protective Equipment.
  • Monitor the health of staff and require them to remain home if unwell.
  • Ensure staff and patrons practise good hygiene at all times.
  • Consult with staff and key stakeholders on health and safety matters relating to Covid-19.

Requirements of Licensees and Hirers in line with current governing bodies, government and Safe Work Australia advice and direction.

  • Ensure staff and patrons wear an appropriate face-covering unless a valid exception applies.
  • Manage participant numbers in accordance with guidelines
  • Participant attendance register must be kept for all program/ activity sessions and supplied to WynActive upon request.
  • Communicate to participants that they must bring and use their own equipment/items and that they are to be cleaned and sanitised before the start of each new session.
  • Communicate to spectators that they are currently not permitted to attend any program/ activity sessions.
  • Ensure participant adherence to session times and that they remain in their allocated space.
  • Manage and monitor participants hygiene while in the facility. Participants must sanitise their hands upon entry and practice good hygiene measures at all times.
  • Communicate to your staff, volunteers and participants that they are required to stay home if unwell.
  • Ensure any regulatory/industry or any relevant guidelines are followed by your club/organisation
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